Giants of Science,Aleksander-Wasiutynski.html
19.05.2024, 03:10

Aleksander Wasiutyński

Aleksander Wasiutyński (born 13 December 1859, died 17 October 1944) He came from a landowning family living in the Koluszki area. A graduate of a gymnasium in Warsaw, he later obtained his university diploma at the Institute of the Corps of Communication Engineers in St. Petersburg (1884). He was involved in the construction of railway lines in the Polesie region (Luniniec-Homel) and the Podlasie region (Siedlce-Małkinia), and later in the Russian hinterland. The most important period of his activity in the Tsarist Empire, however, was the last decade of the 19th and the first decade of the 20th century, when he was hired by the Warsaw-Vienna Railroad Company Ltd after moving to Warsaw (then part of the Russian Empire). In 1901, as a professor, he also joined the Polytechnic Institute in Warsaw, where he could practice his profession while conducting scientific work. The result of both his work and scientific interests was the publication of the Iron Roads textbook, published in 1910, in which Wasiutyński presented the complexities of the construction and operation of railway lines.

After the outbreak of World War I, he was evacuated, initially to Moscow and later to Nizhny Novgorod. In the summer of 1916, he was mobilised and assigned to the Iron Roads Administration at the General Staff of the Armed Forces. He was later appointed as the inspector of communication routes within the area of operation of the southern front. He returned to Warsaw in the summer of 1918.

In independent Poland, Wasiutyński became a professor at Warsaw Polytechnic, and in April 1919, he took the Chair of Iron Roads at the Faculty of Construction Engineering. Working in close cooperation with the Ministry of Railways, he developed a project of a cross-city route in Warsaw. During the German occupation of Poland, he worked on the History of Iron Roads. Unfortunately, all copies of this work perished during the Warsaw Uprising. He died after the evacuation from the transit camp in Pruszków.

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